The Last Tattoo: Dublin, September 1945

The last great military tattoo organised by the Irish army was held in Dublin in September 1945, and it published an illustrated guide to accompany the fortnight-long military exhibition and tattoo staged in the RDS. The event was held to…

Barrack Street: a contested street name

I have always found the street name ‘Barrack Street’ interesting because it is determinedly, unapologetically, literal. There is a barracks here, so that’s what we will call the street. It is similar to ‘Main Street’, an Irish street name whose…

Barracks and Prisons: Museums in garrison towns

Time for some reflections on the tourist legacy that garrison towns can exploit. This year, I visited Kilkenny and Cork barracks museums, then Spike Island in Cork Harbour. Each visitor attraction tells a unique story, though Spike Island is by…